Product review: Pomegranate 7-Up

This holiday season, if you’re looking for a refreshing non-alcoholic drink, you might try new (and for a limited time only) Pomegranate 7-Up Antioxidant. The original 7-UP lemon-lime and cherry flavor are very refreshing (with no caffeine), but this pomegranate one is even more so, at least in my opinion. The pomegranate flavore is sublte at first and then creeps up on you, unlike what you might expect from juice-based drink. I’m also not a huge soda pop guy, but this stuff is really tasty and I’d be inclined to buy it in the store. Bonus: it reminds me of the Shirley Temples my dad made me as a kid.

Oh, and they send a bottle of the diet version too, and while I’m not a big fan of diet soda, this one had an especially strong after-taste of artificial sweetener. Of course, the one with “real sugar” is actually made with high fructose corn syrup, but HFCS does make drinks like this taste pretty good!

It came with an info sheet that has recipes for cocktails, and I take it this would make a nice holiday mixer based on the light flavor and cheery red color alone. Definitely a product worth checking out.


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