VOGA wine is awesome

Chef JimWhen sampling wine from italy, you wouldn’t exactly expect it to not be awesome. But VOGA wine has exceeded expectations. They sent us two bottles to try–the merlot and the moscato.

The Merlot is not too dry and not bitter like some merlots are, but had a pleasant, smooth taste, sort of like a Chianti but with more of a kick. And just like most bold reds like this, it goes great with Wisconsin cheddar cheese, something I’ve become a bit of a snob about.

The Moscato was not something I typically drink. It is white, but has some fizz. It’s not an obnoxious fizz like champagne, but more of a subtle carbonation, more akin to what might happen if you added seltzer to wine, like my parents used to do. Anyway, it also has a real mild flavor, almost like they just squeezed grapes right into the bottle. On ice, I could probably down the whole bottle on a hot day, it was that good.

One of the best parts about VOGA wine, though, is the bottle. There is a cork, yes, but on top of that is a screw top. So after you remove the screw top and cork, you then replace the screw top to keep it fresh. Freaking brilliant.

Anyway, I’m anxious to try the other flavors. Other VOGA varieties are Pinot Grigio and Quattro, as well as two other sparkling ones. Give it a try if you see it, even if you’re a wine snob.

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