Grilled cheese and tomato soup always classic

A gray day in December just screams for a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup, so thankfully we had everything on hand to have the combo for lunch. Here is my take on the most authentic version…..

The sandwich: You can use any kind of bread, but for authenticity sake I used Italian bread–the packaged kind that is essentially glorified white bread. For the best results, also use real butter, thawed to room temperature (seriously, the sandwich will come out perfectly crispy, and you will not have ingested any of that plastic tasting fake stuff). Slice about a quarter inch slab of butter and place in a quality nonstick skillet. Then butter the outsides of two bread slices. Meanwhile, grab either two thin slices of American cheese or cut a few thin slices off a log of Velveeta. Put the cheese on the bread so that the buttered sides are facing out. Warm the skillet over medium heat and once the butter is melted, put the sandwich down. Cook for about 60-90 seconds or until brown and crispy, then flip the sandwich. Cook for about 30-45 more seconds (the second side cooks in about half the time, but I’m not sure why that is). Slide onto a plate and slice in half if you like.

The soup: With all due respect to chefs who make killer tomato soup, or to soup companies that create nice versions of tomato soup, I have to say that nothing quite compares to Campbell’s. And make it with a can of milk instead of water for a nice creamy soup. I’m not sure if it’s because this is the tomato soup my mom made growing up, but regardless, it always tastes perfect and awesome.

I’ll work on more versions of the combo in the next week or so. Meanwhile, do yourself a favor and make this one–I guarantee it will be the best lunch you have all week. Okay, maybe, but you get the point.


A can a week: Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Corn Chowder

Chef JimI’ve always been a fan of Campbell’s Chunky Soup. Maybe it’s because like the name implies, there are big chunks of stuff in it, making it good man-food. Or maybe it’s because they take the time and care to put real ingredients in that taste good. But here is one flavor that stands out–Chicken Corn Chowder.

Chowder to its core is a thick, hearty soup, usually involving cream and/or potatoes–with a base of either clams or chicken or corn or, like this one, a combination of chicken and corn. It’s also often flavored with bacon.

Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Corn Chowder has big chunks of white meat chicken, potatoes, and carrots; as well as a lot of corn kernels. The base is a chicken broth that is thickened with corn starch but tastes extremely creamy, and there is also bacon to give it a hint of smoky flavor. Above all, this chowder just rocks and is the perfect cold weather soup. There is also a “Healthy Request” version that has a lot less fat and about 2/3 of the calories (this one has 200 calories per serving, 400 per can).

If you have never tried this chicken corn chowder or any chicken corn chowder, go try it and let me know what you think. And now if you’ll excuse me, I have to finish the rest of the can.


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